The Path Forward
If there's one universally accepted truth in the modern age, it's that sequels suck. And Trump 2.0 will be no exception. Trump, Vance, and their MAGA minions feel vindicated by the victory of their bigoted, fascistic clown show of a presidential campaign. Trump takes office with a plan to institute the worst parts of Project 2025.
Find your role.
Here are the four main categories of how to understand our roles going forward:

Protect People
We are going to need to advocate to protect people directly targeted by these
policies who are at the spear-tip of these policies. Trans people. Folks choosing
abortions. Immigrants and beyond. This may look like pushing your state or local
government to adopt protective policies, or - if your local government is hostile -
organizing to stop them from taking additional harmful action. It includes open and underground organizing for health care, safety in schools, safe homes. Wherever we are, we need to use the tools at our disposal.
Defend Democracy, Civic Institutions, and Electoral Competition
We will also need to focus on defending civic institutions. We know Trump will go
after our civic institutions, from attacking the civil service and weaponizing
government agencies to do his bidding to undermining the ability to hold competitive
elections. We’ll need to model a culture of dissent and support for those resisting and
trying to uphold their missions on the inside of government. We’ll need to organize to mount overwhelming public pushback on efforts to undermine the key constitutional and legal rules that uphold our democracy. And we’ll need to push actors with power in American society - from our own state governments to corporations to faith communities - to hold those red lines.
Disrupt and Disobey
This goes beyond protesting for better policies into the territory of people intervening
to stop bad policies or showing resistance. Some of that will be erce and in your
face, but others will be quiet strikes and work slowdowns.
In other authoritarian regimes, there are two ways to remove dictators: vote them
out, or mass nonviolent noncooperation by the people to force them. This wing is the
part that would help design that second strategy.
Build Our Power
We have to build our own political power to insist on something better. This means
organizing locally to transform power in your own community. It means ghting for
better policies, wherever you are. It means investing in new leaders who can go on
offense against MAGA. We can’t just be reacting. Some of us are going to have to
focus on a new path forward.
These roles are not set in stone or all-encompassing. They speak to different tactics
that might be taken at different times in our resistance.
A note on elections - it likely feels premature to talk about future elections in this moment, when we’re all exhausted and disheartened from the last campaign. Andyou may hear Trump and the MAGA movement try to squash hope that futureelections will matter. That’s part of the fascist playbook, too. That’s why it’simportant to be clear: we will have elections in the future, and - if we protect our institutions and build our own power - we can and will win them. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.